城西川越の英会話について English Conversation

The Philosophies of Josai Kawagoe’s
English Conversation Lessons
SEEG (Elementary, English Summer Camp)
SEEG – Speaking English through Empowering Games – is a teaching method that focuses on helping students learn to SPEAK English in a natural way. It is also a method that gives parents the power to teach their kids to speak English by using interactive and fun games. Even parents who don’t speak English can use this method. All SEEG materials are provided in a “do it yourself” format so parents can put together themselves hundreds of interactive games. Learning to speak in a natural way: One of the natural ways children learn their first language is by playing with games and toys. Parents provide their children with games and toys and let their children use those games and toys to develop their speaking abilities. In a similar way, SEEG provides “games” that allow children to develop their ability to speak English naturally while at the same time enjoying their learning experience.
LEAG Method (Junior High School)
The biggest stumbling block to learning English for many Japanese students is fear – the fear to speak a foreign language and the fear of making a fool of themselves. For this reason, we have developed a unique method called LEAG – Learning English through Acting and Games – to help remove those fears so that the students can feel comfortable and at ease as they put into practice what they learn in their regular English classes. Furthermore, since successful communication in English is based on 60% non-verbal skills(body language, eye contacts, gestures etc…) and 40% on verbal skills (words, grammar, intonation etc…), LEAG provides our students with the opportunity to develop those important non-verbal skills through our role play activities.
LEES Method (High School)
While we use LEAG method in junior high school, we use another method for our high school students, a unique method we have developed – LEES, Learning English through Empowering Speeches. The focus of this method is to help our high school students build up their confidence and communicative skills by learning to give powerful speeches like native speakers. All our LEES lessons are designed with the aim to help our students learn to give speeches and presentations like professional native speakers, a skill that would benefit them in their future careers and in their lives in general as they learn to become confident individuals.
SEEGとは、Speaking English through Empowering Games(エンパワーリングゲーム※を通じて英語を話す方法)の略で、これは生徒達が自然な形で英語を話すことを身に付けることに焦点を当てた教授法です。この教授法では、双方向で楽しいゲームを用い英語を学んでいきます。この教授法を使って、ご家庭で保護者が子供に英語を教えることもできます。全てのSEEGの教材は「自学」形式をとっており、保護者は数百の双方向ゲームを自分で組み合わせることができます。 一般に大人は子供たちにゲームやおもちゃを与え、子供たちはそのゲームやおもちゃで遊ぶことにより母国語を学びます。SEEGではゲームやおもちゃを用いることで、子供たちは楽しみながら英語を自然に話す能力を高めていきます。 ※エンパワーリングゲーム…学習者が教師の補助なしで使うことができるゲーム。独立した学習者になれるように促す仕組みになっている。
LEAGメソッドを中学生に対して用いる一方で、本校では高校生に、独自に開発したLEESメソッド(Learning English through Empowering Speeches:エンパワーリングスピーチ※を通じた英語学習)を使用しております。この教授法では、ネイティブスピーカーのような力強いスピーチを学ぶことで、生徒が自信を持ち、コミュニケーションのための技術を確立することに焦点を当てています。LEESの授業で、生徒は英語でのコミュニケーション能力に自信を持ち、自分の将来の職業や生活全般に役に立つために、生徒がネイティブスピーカーのようなスピーチやプレゼンテーションを身に付けることができます。 ※エンパワーリングスピーチ…教師がスピーチ内容を強制するのではなく、生徒が話したい内容をスピーチテーマとすることで、生徒の話すことに対するモチベーションを高めるスピーチ。


ダニエル・ウェルエンド (左)


ジミー・E・テトゥアヌイ (右)


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